From us, you can get personal advice on important and everyday matters as well as in different life situations. The service is free of charge.
Advice for immigrants

Counseling for immigrants
You come to counseling if you are looking for support in matters related to housing, finances, social benefits, health, life changes, residence permit or citizenship, for example.
Kompassi staff guides you to find the right service and helps you make appointments or support filling out documents.
We speak Finnish, English, Amharic, Hindi, Kannada, Ukrainian and Russian.
Kompassi`s counseling can also be contacted by authorities, work communities, educational institutions, organizations or the media, if you are looking for a conversation partner for special questions about immigrant work.
Counseling is available during Kompassi`s opening hours or by appointment.
Community negotiator Tsega Kiflie p. 044 078 7286

Support for immigrant women
At Girls’ House, we provide support and communal actitivies for women and girls with migrant backround. You can also make an appointment for individual meeting, where you can share any matters concerning e.g. womenhood, family life, future hopes and dreams, also difficult experiences and the most personal issues. An interpreter can be booked for meetings. All discussions are confidential.
Contact us for more information
Sanni Mäkinen
p. 050 368 8906