Finnish language lessons

Finnish language lessons and groups offered by Kompassi are open to everyone and free of charge. All the teachings take place at Kompassi.

Please remember:
As Kompassi’s open and free classes get many students and we have limited seats

  • the system works on first come first served basis.
  • the classroom door opens at 13.30. The door will close once the classroom is full.
  • there is no registration to the classes. We do not reserve seats. Your seat is not automatically booked to you, if you attend the class once or twice.
  • number of students allowed in the classroom is mentioned below in the schedule.

We thank you for your patience and understanding.


Nonstop lessons

Number of students in the classroom on both days: 40 max

Finish 1 (grammar)
from 14 – 16 (for beginners)

Content includes for ex: alphabets, verbs and verb conjugation, key word types and cases, possessive structure.


Finnish 2 (grammar)
from 14 – 16 (little advanced)

Content includes for ex: consonant gradations (verbs and nouns), key word types and cases, part of speech, objects, plural partitive.

The teacher for nonstop Finnish classes is Satu Nummi


Let’s read together – Finnish language teaching
Tuesdays from 14:00-16:00

Number of students in the classroom: 40 max

We study and learn to speak and write Finnish in different small groups. In the group,  we study Finnish language through books, listening, speaking, and with the help of newspapers and articles. The participant’s progression takes place according to their own starting level and wishes.

Children are also welcome in the small group. By learning in small groups you get to know new people and make friends.
The group’s instructors are Kompassi volunteers.

Toisto- group (repeat and learn Finnish)
Thursdays from 12:00 – 13:30
Number of students: 20 max.

In TOISTO group, learning Finnish takes place through listening and repeating. The group is especially suitable for beginners, slow learners or those looking for practicing words and sentences in Finnish.
The group is coordinated by Kompassi volunteers who have been trained in the method.

Let’s Speak Finnish – discussion group
Fridays from 14-15.30

Information for everyday life through conversation. Every week we discuss different topics in Finnish, e.g. education, daycare for children, KELA services, migration, housing, etc.


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