Sexual Health

At Girl`s House (Kuninkaankatu 26, Kuopio) sexual health promotion work is carried out in its many different forms. You can read more about sexual counseling and guidance, sexual violence work, sexual education and our work with immigrants below

Sexual violence work

Sexual violence is a traumatic, insecure and difficult experience. Untreated, sexual violence can cause long-term harm in everyday life and relationships. That’s why it’s good to deal with the matter together with a safe and professional adult.

We offer support and help to girls and young women aged 13-29 who have experienced sexual violence. The service is free, confidential and low-threshold individual and group professional support.

Those who have experienced sexual violence can contact the sexual violence worker Anna Korhonen,

p. 050 359 0184,

Support for survivors of gender-based violence

Gender-based violence is e.g. human trafficking, honor-related violence and sexual violence. We support girls and women with migrant backround when they become aware of violence, process experiences of violence and when recovering. Contact us for more information.

Sanni Mäkinen
p.  050 368 8906

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Girl`s House

The most important thing for us is that everyone is seen and heard. We hope that everyone can find an activity that suits them. We think that every person grows as a person in relation to other people, as a member of a community, and you are an important part of the whole. Together we can build House in to a place  where everyone can be themselves.

Read more about the House of Girls


Sexual counseling and guidance

Are you wondering about sexuality, sexual orientation, sexual relationships, relationship, sexuality, gender identity, dating or changes in the body? In sexual counseling, you have the opportunity to get information and think about issues and questions related to sexuality.

Ask for more information!

Annukka Rytkönen
P.045 877 6400,


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